Bezt Thoma Hawk |
RBOB & BOS -CH Sylon Black Pearl of Sivhana |
BP -Larumo
Sakima Leo |
BOSP - Kelev
Julia's Rose |
Best Jnr. -
Bezt Thoma Hawk |
Best Veteran -
Ch. Richmax Belle Noite |
Dog CC (2pt) -
Bezt Thoma Hawk |
Dog RCC -CH Sylon Saphooka Bullet of
Sivhana |
Bitch CC (2pt) -CH Sylon Black Pearl of
Sivhana |
Bitch RCC -
Zeracious Zoe of Rosswar |
9th MAY 2010
Judge: Mr.Steve
Whitehouse : Frairstaff (UK)
I must start by thanking everyone I have met in SA for making our stay such a
fantastic experience, also the Officers and Committee for putting on a truly
professional show, as I know personally how hard much hard work and effort goes
into running a show.
The dogs and bitches that I had the pleasure of judging were all of a high
standard and quality, there doesnt seem to be any major reoccurring problems,
my only concern was the fitness levels of many of my exhibitors. Anyone that
knows me knows I love fit hard animals well cut and defined. The fitness levels
of did affect some placing of very good dogs and bitches.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank every exhibitor who entered their
stock, I really enjoyed my day and hope you did.
Puppy Dog
Coetsee & Smith - Yardstick Rob Roy of Larumo
Black Brindle:
Just a baby, quality is already shinning through. Good Head and Quarters moves
along with drive.
Van Heerden - Seastaff Top Gun of Eukleia
Red & White:
Young man with similar attributes to 1st would have liked a bit of a
darker eye moved ok.

Puppy Dog
Coetsee & Smith - Larumo Sakima Leo
Black Brindle:
Young dog who will have a great show career, a very good blend of Bull &
Terrier. Well placed eyes in a strong but not over done head, level topline
stood and on the move. Good definition moved and handled well a credit to his
Van Niekerk Raminartus Peter Yoti
Black Brindle:
Very strong in the foreface good body and angulations, a bit to heavy for me
moved ok, but was struggling a little bit in the sun.

Junior Dog
Bezuidenhout Bezt Thoma Hawk
Black Brindle:
This dog caught my eye when moving around the ring. This dog was probably the
fittest dog on the day, which moved with drive and vigour kept his head up when
moving which helped show off his good topline. Good round dark eye ample head
strength with a strong muscular body. To make a nice balanced picture both stood
and on the move. I had no hesitation in awarding this dog CC winner and Best of
Van Der Walt - Sivhana Jabulani
Good all round, a lot to like about him good pigmentation good angles not as fit
as 1st but moved with drive.
Love Rosswar Ice Man
Black Brindle:
Another quality dog assets were hidden by his condition, moved ok with a good
head and bite.

Newman Django
Mahogany Brindle:
A dog carrying lots of attributes moved and handled well, just preferred the ear
carriage on 3rd place.
Graduate Dog
Louw Raminartus Athos
Short coupled dog with a good topline and angulations, tidy front a good blend
of Bull & Terrier movement ok.
Coetsee & Smith Hookstaff Do it Did it Done it of Larumo (Imp Ned)
Black Brindle:
In fit good condition, just preferred shorter coupling of 1st moved
ok and was handled well.
Loock Larumo The Great Spirit
Brindle & White:
A good type, lots of attributes, good topline and bite, just a bit to heavy.

SA Bred Dog
Van Heerden Agoe Captain Good
Black Brindle:
Well constructed with a good bite good topline and a tidy front, this dog moved
and handled well.
Goetsch Agoe Bruno
Black Brindle:
Good head shape correct dentition good angulations, a little heavier than 1st,
moves with drive has a nice dark round eye.
Louw Boehringers Ashawu Boris
A good standard type of dog, nice good front and rear end. His ear carriage and
movement lost it for him today.
Newman Sylon Bounty Hunter
Black Brindle:
A quality dog good all round, attributes lost out on ear carriage and fitness.

Veteran Dog
Richards CH Richmax Dream Maker
Black Brindle:
9 years old in very good condition for his years, still holding on to a lot of

Open dog
Lang & Ten Napel CH Sylon Saphooka Bullet of Sivhana
Dog of quality with good pigmentation excellent condition, good front and back
end and nice feet. His fitness helped him move around the ring with ease.
Awarded Reserve CC. Lost out on his strength of Head for the CC.
Coetsee & Smith CH Larumo Shark Attack
Black Brindle:
In very good quality better head shape for me that 1st good topline
and well angulated back end, good front and dentition, just lost out fitness to
Vermeulen CH Frelonius One of a Kind.
Brindle & White:
A lovely looking dog good bite with a level topline and flashy markings. Tidy
front feet ok, lost out on 1st and 2nd place purely on
animation and zest.
Lurie Kelev Modern Crusader of Delu
Black Brindle:
Very strong head and construction, longer in the coupling than 1st 2nd
3rd fair movement and handled well.

Champion Dog
Vermeulen CH Frelonius Leading Man
Mahogany Brindle& White:
Dog of outstanding quality cracking topline both stood and on the move, good
dentition with strong quarters and lovely head shape. Nice ear carriage and good
front. A worthy Champion pushed hard for top honours.
Jackson & Ousman CH Sapphire Fayan Mist
Red & White Pied:
Another dog well worthy of this title similar attributes to 1st moved
well , just needs a bit more muscle tone.

Coetsee & Smith Larumo Sky Walker
Black Brindle:
Another Superb Champion in excellent condition, just my type of dog.
Cracking head shape lovely placement and a tidy front, a credit to the owners
and breeders, lost out on movement.

Matthys KUSA Nat Dog 2009 CH Sylon Leo of Monetrouge
Black Brindle:
Similar in type to 1st 2nd 3rd moved ok just a
pity he was struggling in the heat.
Minor Puppy Bitch
Roux (in care of Hanekom) Yardstick Lady Avatar
Black Brindle:
Just a Baby assessed her as a baby, All Quarters coming along nicely, her bite
is ok a good eye strong but feminine head she moved ok.

Puppy Bitch
Grek Kelev Julias Rose
Black Brindle:
Young lady in excellent condition, she won this class for me on elegance of
movement, lovely shaped head good dentition with a nice dark sparkling eye. Good
topline tidy front and back end, developing nicely. Best Puppy Bitch.
Lang & Ten Napel Sivhana Billie Jean
Young bitch everything in order nice quarters developing feminine head lost out
on movement to 1st place.
Armstrong - Thalion Lady Galadriel
Black Brindle:
Just a baby nice head shape, good dentition level topline needs to come up on
the leg for me.

Junior Bitch
Love Rosswar Coco Chanel
Black Brindle & White:
Won this class easily she is in very good condition, moved without putting a
foot wrong, good topline and dentition. Feminine head good front strong back end
and handled well.
Louw Eukleia Bushka Zenna of Raminartus
Bitch of substance all the attributes of 1st but too much covering,
which showed on the move, a pity really could have won the class.
Grek Kelev Zoe Zerab
Black Brindle:
a bitch with lots of good qualities, a bit longer in the back than i prefer but
everything else is ok moved well.
Alberts Raminartus Karibu Sana
This bitch is far too heavy to really compete in this class, a shame as she
posses lots of quality.

Graduate Bitch
Van Heerden Eukleia Syncerusarissa
Red & White:
Good Head tiny ears good dentition with a level topline another heavy bitch who
would benefit more with fitness good strong front and tidy feet.

SA Bred
Bezuidenhout Richmax Girl OAmission of Bezt
Black Brindle:
A bitch in good condition clean outline feminine but strong head well placed
dark round eye and a good topline. Tidy front strong in the pasterns and back
end moved ok.
Van Der Walt Riefra Armful of Fun of Wilden Walt.
A bitch standard in all departments looks a picture when stood, found her
a bit erratic making it hard for me to asses but still worthy of her place.
Coetsee & Smith Mirrabooka Amberley Sweet of Larumo
Black Brindle:
Some nice attributes good dentition, moved well decent topline handled well.
Ten Naple Sivhana Skys The Limit
Red & White:
Another bitch of quality in this quality class pleasing to the eye much the same
as 1st 2nd 3rd.

Richards CH Richmax Belle Noite
Black Brindle:
Old girl of 11 ½ years,still enjoying herself in the ring, still possessing
quality at her age. One can imagine her 7-8years ago she was probably a show
girl of notoriety. She still moved around the ring with presence. A credit to
her owners and breeders.
Vermeulen CH Riefra Auspicous Lady of Frelonius
Red & White:
11 year old what a wonderful ambassador for the breed, much the same as 1st
just proffered the better ring presence.

Open Bitch
Tennapel CH Sylon Black Pearl of Sivhana
Black Brindle:
A beautiful standard bitch, loads of quality in fit condition. Good Head with
tidy dentition, correct front and level topline. This bitch has a good backend
and correct front. She showed herself off to perfection, making my decision easy
to award her the class, Bitch CC RBIS and BOS.
Love Zeracious Zoe of Rosswar
Black Brindle:
A quality girl in a very strong class of tidy bitches. Just missedout on to 1st
on ear carriage but everything else bout this bitch is correct moved and handled
well. RCC
Lurie Richmax Trophy Gal of Delu
Black Brindle:
Much of the same qualities as 1st and 2nd just preferred
the better topline and movement of 1st and 2nd.
Armstrong Zeracious Sage of Thalion
A tidy bitch in good condition moved ok.

Champion Bitch
Lurie CH Kelev Black Pearl of Delu
Black Brindle:
A worthy champion very good mover, she could be fitter straight front and good
quarters, tidy feet deserved the class.
Grek CH Kelev Dazzling Beauty
Black Brindle:
Fitter than 1st but didnt move as well good attributes worthy
Van Heerden CH Raminartus Lady Nushka of Eukleia
Heavy build but worthy of her status moved ok.

Judge: Mr. Steve
Whitehouse, UK.
Email: info@psbtc.coza