What an enjoyable experience my time in South Africa was and
one that will undoubtedly stay with me
The weather could not have been kinder on the day, the
trophy table was beautifully presented, rosettes were a
picture and organisation commendable, I was well catered for
and looked after with a fabulous spread for lunch, all
decisions were excepted with respect, courtesy and
sportsmanship, I would like to take this opportunity to
thank each and every exhibitor for their entries and taking
the time to travel and seek my opinion
had a pleasing selection of Stafford's to chose from, and very
happy with my winners and final line ups
found type pleasing, mouths were good with only a few
dentition problems
Excess weight on dogs was something I would like to see
improved along with fitness, quite a few were carrying too
much weight, were soft to the touch, lacked muscle tone and
definition, handling could also be improved, this helps with
the overall presentation of your dog and proper assessment
by the judge
ring steward Walter is to be commended on the order he kept
throughout the day sorting exhibits and keeping the ring
running smoothly and efficiently with lunchtime
entertainment of stories of Kruger Park and leopards and
baboons had us all laughing and worried
at the same time
Lastly but certainly not least my sincere thanks to our
hosts Adele Louis and Ansa who were not only our hosts but
played a variety of roles throughout the week being tour
guides, doctors, chefs and chauffeurs
and entertainment
Our road trip to Kruger National Park and stay at Hazyview
Cabanas was a life changing experience for me, the wildlife
were truly amazing, I was in the best company with travel
partner Claire and fellow judges Paul and Jeff along with
Jeff's wife Gloria, fabulous memories fabulous people, I'll
not forget our time together
I'd like to thank the committee for the consideration and
the Club for the opportunity
You live in a unique and beautiful part of the world
encourage anyone that the club extends an invitation too, to
grab it with both hands
Thank you
Yours in Stafford's
Jodie Sing
Baby Puppy Dog
1.No 68. Eukleia Keamie Carlo Of Tolmiros ( AI)
Red/White puppy
What a promising puppy, lovely headshape , clean with neat
thin rose ears, dark round eyes, square blunt muzzle of good
length, with tight lips teeth still erupting but bite good,
dark pigmentation,
Good length of neck, flowing into well laid back shoulders,
tidy front, correct amount of bone, neat well padded feet,
level topline and developing hindquarters with parallel
hocks, he really enjoyed his time in the ring which was
lovely to see in one so young. All the best with his future

Minor Puppy Dog
1st No 38. Frelonius Legacy Man Of Delu
Black Brindle puppy
This puppy has a lighter frame and more leg, he had a clean
head of decent proportions, longer length in muzzle, tight
lips, scissor bite, dark eyes and thin rose ears finished
the picture.
His front is straight, well up on pasterns, level topline,
could have more angulation in hindquarters along with depth,
coat short and close, handled well
2nd Bronxton Sam Hannah
Red with white
lot to like about this puppy, he needs to relax and find his
feet as he was proving a handful for his handler and
assessing him properly was a difficult task he is a still
very much a baby so plenty of time
What I saw I thought he was a promising baby with plenty of
virtues, pleasing headshape, a little excess flesh around
the muzzle that hopefully in time with growth should sort
out, dark pigmentation, ears were neat and sat well placed
on the head when he alerted and caught a quick glimpse of
his expression, he has a nice amount of bone and is short
coupled. I think with time and patience he will prosper,

Puppy Dog
1st Jakru Days Of Thunder
Black Brindle
Strong head with good stop and deep through square muzzle,
correct bite, dark eyes neat thin ears and framed the head,
developing cheek muscles, decent length of neck, adequate
depth of brisket with plenty of bone, his front is a little
tight and pasterns could be stronger, with work and maturity
should improve, neat tidy feet, dark pigmentation, his
hindquarters are developing well and he moved along with
drive and purpose, seemed to have a good rapport with his
Best Puppy In Show

Junior Dog
1st No 31 Capstones Roll The Dice Of Ammicus
Black Brindle With White
Quality dog with an impressive outline, has tremendous
presence, caught my eye, he has a cracking head piece with
typical expression, keen dark eyes, clean square deep
through muzzle housing correct scissor bite with tight lips
and ample underjaw, prominent cheekbumps
Neat Rose ears framed his head and finished off the picture,
strong neck of good length and muscular wide well boned
front, feet neat and well padded, he has an abundance of rib
and a level topline that he kept on the move,
Powerful hindquarters that were defined and hard to the
touch with correct angulation. Moved with drive and purpose,
he is right up my street would like to see a tad less weight
on him to improve his overall outline and tuck, his coat was
in first class order
beautiful Stafford, good luck with his future was more than
happy to award him CC DOG
2nd No 12. Larumo Gentleman Jack
Black Brindle with white
Smaller dog overall than first place but a balanced tidy
package, pleasing head shape, neat thin ears of good size
correctly set on the head, dark eyes, typical expression,
straight front with correct bone for size and tidy well kept
feet that turned out at the pastern
Close coupled, well developed hindquarters of good tone and
correct tail set that he carried correctly, presented and
handled well
3rd No 6 Cravonmark Tom McCoy Of Bezt

Graduate Dog
No 75 1st Raminartus Saltan Of Swat
Black Brindle
Strong clean headed dog, balanced, of good standard size,
head of nice proportions with dark eyes, watched all that was
going on around him , tight clean lips and small neat ears,
short muscular neck into straight tidy front and decent
bone, neat feet, topline good, which he kept on the move,
muscular hindquarters that he moved out well with using to
drive him along he stood foresquare and presented a pleasing
picture, coat gleamed, handled professionally
2nd No 5 Raminartus Say Hey Kid Of Bezt
Litter brother to first place, not unalike, pleasing head
shape and clean no exaggeration, dark eyes of good size,
correct bite, small rose ears finished the expression, He
had a decent front with plenty of bone, well muscled
hindquarters with parallel hocks, well let down, I preferred
his brothers overall balance, this fella was another that
was happy to be there and enjoyed his time in the ring
3rd No 11 Larumo Mr White House

S.A. Bred Dog
1st No 42 Sharrazar Jett Black
Black Brindle
Really liked this boy when he first entered the ring and was
not disappointed on closer inspection, a tidy well balanced
Dog of correct size and bone, no exaggerations, head of good
proportions and clean with tight lips and scissor bite, when
he decided to open his eyes he had typical expression, eyes
dark, his front is well boned and wide, up on pasterns,
neat feet, nails black, he moved with drive and purpose,
powered by muscular deep through hindquarters, tail set and
carriage correct, coat was short and gleaming, one of the
best presented dogs on the day, had a wonderful rapport with
his handler, was pleased to award him RES CC and Best S.A
Bred In Show, goodluck with his future
2nd No 78 Boldwin Captain
Black Brindle
Another nice dog strong chiseled head of correct
proportions, distinct stop, dark eye, lips a little thick,
neat ears of good size and placement. Strong neck into
straight well boned front, tidy well padded feet, slightly
longer cast but had a good topline which he kept on the move
and enough tuck up,was in fit hard condition, coat
short, close and shining, hindquarters well muscled with good
angulation, expertly handled
3rd Kizus Shaddow

Veteran Dogs
1st Ch Seastaff Top Gun Of Eukleia
Red with White
What a wonderful old gentleman. Would
have loved to see this
fella in his younger years.
Typical Stafford head, type in abundance, beautiful in
profile, displaying strength, chiseled with good stop,
Square muzzle that was clean with no fleshiness, dark round
appealing eyes. Just greying giving away his milage. Neat
Rose ears that framed and finished off his typical
expression. Prominent cheek bumps, strong neck into well
angulated shoulders, straight front, decent spring of rib and
depth of brisket. Level topline that he kept on the move.
His hindquarters had depth, hard to the touch, muscular with
parallel hocks, moved freely when he got going and enjoyed
going out rather than coming back. A lovely dog that still
held his own
Best Veteran In Show
2nd Agoe Shamat-Jadah
Black Brindle
Another lovely dog my notes say balanced, a good blend of
Bull and Terrier, another dog I would have liked to see in
his younger days. He has a lovely outline, head of decent
proportions dark eyes and neat thin ears that finished off
the picture,
would like a touch more depth of brisket, topline good, short
close coat and in lovely condition, moved well and enjoyed
his time again in the ring

Open dogs
1st Eukleia Moyo Bastian
White Red Pied
substantial dog, punishing headshape , with excellent
pigment and dark eyes plenty of depth through skull,
distinct stop, shorter blunt muzzle housing good dentition
,prominent cheek muscles filled under the eyes, strong neck
into best of fronts, plenty of bone well up on pasterns,
abundance of rib, something of a rarity these days, level
topline, correct tailset and carriage and well defined
muscular hindquarters, hard to the touch, of good angulation
that powered him along with drive, he was presented and
handled well, from catalogue another I really liked from this
kennel, well done
2nd Boldwin Maximus Of Shakinat
Black Brindle
liked this dogs head shape, dark eyes, ears could be tidier,
good dentition, clean muzzle ,tight lips, front is well boned
and straight, neat feet, topline okay, would prefer more rear

Champion Dogs
1st Ch Eukleia Aurora Sparkle Of Sivhana
White / red
Are real Showman this dog caught
my eye on first
examination, clean well-defined head no exaggeration or
excess flesh, tight clean lips plenty of under jaw, dark
pigment rimming them, good dentition, blackest of eyes round
and appealing. He is well boned for size plenty of rib cage
when viewed from above, short coupled, he has muscular
hindquarters of good
angulation, moved well with purpose and clearly enjoying
himself, was in fit hard condition that just got him over
the line for Best Exhibit In Show, over the CC Dog was a
very close decision for me, handled and presented first
Best Exhibit In Show
2nd Ch Larumo Duke Master Of Shakinat
Black Brindle with White
Another balanced package, clean head small neat ears, dark
eyes, blunt clean muzzle, head had good proportions decent
length of neck into straight front, and correct bone for
size, strong pasterns dark pigment, tidy well padded feet,
longer cast in body, would like more depth through second
thigh and more angulation in hindquarters, moved okay, coat
short and close, handled expertly

Baby Puppy Bitches
1st Raminartus Shamrockevabree Of Monterouge
Black Brindle
This puppy had the wow factor for me, I could have taken her
home, a real beauty, I hope she finishes off as she has
started, prettiest of heads, mouth looks good so far as
teeth still erupting, has a wonderful profile, head is clean
and feminine ,dark appealing eyes, good stop, clean square
muzzle of good length, neat rose ears framed her beautiful
head, everything Id want in a puppy of her age. Ample bone
for size, level topline, angulation in both front and rear is
good, carried her tail well, could have looked at her all day,
I will watch for her in the future all the best
Best Baby Puppy In Show
2nd No 7 Bezt Double'D
Black Brindle
Another lovely puppy, that has plenty of virtues, just
didn't enjoy herself so much and hard to assess on the move,
has a pleasing profile, good headshape with dark eyes, mouth
looks to be coming through well, neat ears, topline at this
stage is good, hopefully she will settle and learn to enjoy
herself as she has a lot to offer, goodluck
3rd No 9 Nanya Luna Moon

Minor Puppy Bitches
1st No 37 Rosswar Dare To Dream
Black Brindle
Finer but balanced more terrier bitch, finer bone, clean,
feminine, head of good proportions, dark eyes, scissor bite
decent front, neat well kept feet ,straight front level
short close coat that gleamed,would prefer more angulation
in hindquarters, moved well and handled well
2nd No.55 Bronxton Nell Jones
Another nice puppy who with time would learn to enjoy
yourself in the ring and allow proper assessment, gave her
every chance, she is a smaller package, has a little excess
wrinkle around muzzle , but again early days, bite changing
but looks good, feminine, nice front short coupled, dark
pigment, has good angles and when settled got to see her
movement , she is a happy soul all the best with her in the
Puppy Bitches
1st No 53 Maupa Majestic Rose
Another with plenty of virtues, feminine, decent head of
good proportions, adequate stop,dark eyes, clean around
muzzle, ears could be tidier, correct scissor bite, neck of
decent length, well boned straight front,
and neat well padded feet, moved along with drive and when
settled could see her lovely top line, proved a challenge
for her handler
Junior Bitches
1st No 65 Marconn Kanya
Black Brindle with white
real beauty of correct type and standard size, her head is
strong, chiseled yet maintains femininity, keen and alert
expression, she never took her eyes from me, muzzle of depth
and width, enough fill under her dark round well-placed eyes,
neat ears that finish off that whole typical expression, she
had everything I look for in a bitch, balanced, neck of
correct length, into well laid back shoulders, front of
correct bone and width , adequate depth of brisket, her
topline was level and she kept that on the move, well
muscled and plenty of depth through her hindquarters and
second thigh, in fit hard condition, she moved with purpose
and drive, was a picture to watch, could win anywhere, well
done to her breeders and good luck for her future, more than
happy to award her the Bitch CC ,another I would have taken
Best Junior In Show ,Reserve Best In Show, Best Opposite Sex
In Show
2nd No 79 Boldwin Layla
Black Brindle
Not as clean in head and muzzle as first place, but shape
and profile along with proportions were pleasing, feminine,
straight front with sufficient bone for size, topline level,
was a bit flat today and didn't see her move at her best, her
hindquarters were muscular with well developed hams and
second thigh, was handled to her advantage
Graduate Bitches
1st No.80 Boldwin Sassy Girl
Black Brindle
tidy package, had a beautiful head with typical
expression, dark round eye and thin ears that sat well on the
head, pronounced cheek bumps, clean short square muzzle and
plenty of underjaw, good bite, wide front, well up on
pasterns and feet were tidy, good angles in both front and
rear, she had an impressive outline, coat was a picture and
shone, she enjoyed her time in the ring, moved with drive and
pushed hard for the top honour, well presented and handled A
pleasure to award her the Res CC Bitch well done
2nd No 46 Monetrogue Celtic Pride ( Ai )
Black Brindle with White
Smaller more compact bitch than first place, typical
headpiece, short muzzle distinct stop, dark eyes set wide
apart, scissor bite and ample underjaw, she is short coupled
and decent topline,
with correct tail set,
muscular hindquarters that had good angles, parallel hocks,
another nice bitch just preferred the overall balance of my
first place, well done

S.A Bred Bitches
1st No 27 Stapphire Fayan Blaze
White and Black Pied
Standard size, compact bitch of clean lines and feminine,
pleasing headshape with darkest of eyes and excellent
pigmentation, wicked keen expression, scissor bite, ears ok,
would like a tad cleaner around the muzzle, neck of good
length into a tidy front of good width, right up on her
toes, ample spring of rib, tuck up and well defined muscular
She clearly loved her time in the spotlight and moved out
well showing herself to her advantage, another I could have
put in the suitcase, presented in top condition and handled
2nd No 63 Kizus The I-Matriarch
Red with White
Bigger bitch overall than my first place, but sound as a
bell and balanced, her head proportions are correct, with a
strong deep through muzzle, would prefer a little cleaner in
head, dark eyes and neat rose ears, she is well boned and
her front is straight with nice angles, level topline and
well defined muscular hindquarters of decent depth and
fitness, well let down hocks, moved with drive and purpose,
had a lovely rapport with her handler

Open Bitches
1st No 47 Ch Cravonmark Ella-Mae Of Monetrogue
Black Brindle with White
Classy bitch of good size, clean chiseled headpiece, medium
muzzle length, good dentition and wide underjaw. Dark eyes,
neat thin leathered ears she used to complete the
picture, strong short neck into wide straight front with good
bone. Ample spring of rib into close coupling and good tuck
up, another that enjoyed herself and moved out well,
hindquarters were muscular well defined and hard to the
touch, coat was short and close, well handled
2nd No 24 Tengeenie Morning Star Of Stapphire
Standard sized bitch, balanced and feminine, has a clean
head with typical expression her eyes could be darker but
appealing with a soft expression, her ears a little untidy
but they are thin and of decent size. Good bite, and dark
pigmentation . Her front is wide of decent bone for her
size, she has short neck that went into a level topline,
plenty of rib, nice tuck up, and nicely angled hindquarters
with well let down hocks, handled well

Champion Bitches
1st No 13 Ch Larumo Running Blaze
Brindle with white
My notes say strong but feminine, clean chiseled head deep
through with square muzzle and clean lips. Scissor bite,
dark eyes, neat rose ears, she had a keen typical
expression, short muscular neck, into a wide boned front,
plenty of rib, good tuck, wide well defined muscular
hindquarters, she moved with purpose, coat was short and
gleaming, a good honest bitch I liked her a lot
Handled well
2nd No 25 Ch Ronaith Tinted Ice Of Stapphire
Red and white
Typical beautiful headpiece, of correct proportions with no
exaggeration ,deep through with distinct stop, clean around
muzzle and ample underjaw. Eyes dark and set wide apart. Her
ears were tidy and framed the head to give the whole
appreciation of expression. Perfect head markings finished
the picture, neck of good length into wide well boned front,
neatest of feet and right up on pasterns, she is close
coupled with plenty of rib, her hindquarters were fit and
hard to the touch,
Two lovely bitches that could and will swap places on any
given day, well done
